Opinberar tölur í USA sýna skelfilega aukningu andláta eftir tilraunabólusetningarnar.

Á sama tíma og bólusetningaráróðurinn verður sífellt harðari í heiminum, þá fjölgar sönnunum um skaðsemi þessara tilraunaefna.

Ef horft er á þessar myndir hér fyrir neðan, þá ekki hægt að afneita því að þessi efni eru að valda ómældum skaða og andlátum um allan heim, líka hér á landi þar sem þegar er búið að tilkynna um 2.123 aukaverkanir, þar af 26 andlát og 107 aðrar lífsógnandi.




"The latest weekly US VAERS update added a shocking 2,083 post-vaccination deaths.

The latest weekly US VAERS update added a shocking 2,083 post-vaccination deaths – by far the largest weekly increase to date – raising the total of reported post-vaccination deaths to 9,048. Not all of these 2,083 deaths occurred within a week, as there is a very significant reporting backlog.

In total, close to 1,000 post-vaccination miscarriages, more than 3,000 heart attacks, about 7,500 disabilities, close to 20,000 severe allergic reactions, and close to 1,000 cases of heart muscle inflammation in people under 25 have already been reported to VAERS.

A recent analysis by researchers at Queen Mary University in London found that even in senior citizens, about 85% of deaths reported to VAERS were definitively, likely or possibly caused by the vaccine. Moreover, due to significant under-reporting, the true number of vaccine-related deaths may already be significantly higher, possibly in the range of 10,000 to 50,000 deaths in the US alone.

Indeed, despite very few covid deaths, there continues to be unexplained excess all-cause mortality in all US age groups below the age of 75, with all-cause mortality having reached record levels in age groups below 45 since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. In people over 75, potential vaccine-related mortality may be masked by post-winter wave negative excess mortality."

Lesið restina af þessari grein hér, og horfið þar á stutt vídeó þar með manni sem er smátt og smátt að missa máttinn eftir AstraZeneka sprautuna, hristist allur og skelfur og upplifir mikla heilaþoku og eyrnasuð núna. Hann fær litla sem enga læknishjálp, bara einhverjar pillur.

Á fimmta hundrað þúsund tilkynninga um afleiðingar þessara tilraunaefna

Á þessari síðu sjáið þið tölur til og með 7. júlí s.l.



Örfá sýnishorn úr þessum gagnagrunni

17 ára stúlka, VAERS ID: 1231560:

"On 4/17/21 (ie within 48 hours of receiving COVID 19 Pfizer Shot #2 (4/15/21), my daughter began experiencing chest pain in the PM (PM of 4/17). It was initially mild so we did a watch and wait overnight but when it did not go away by morning of 4/18/21 we went to Urgent Care . Upon presentation at urgent care, she had an irregular EKG, we were advised to immediately do to a Hospital ER , upon arrival she presented with same EKG findings from urgent care, BW was run and her troponin level was a 7, this hospital recommended (after consultation with their cardiologist) that based on her age and urgency of the heart condition, we should be transported to a pediatric hospital with cardiology expertise. She was transported by ambulance to another Hospital, Cardiology Unit. . After a scary 24 hour overnight stay at the hospital she was released on 4/19/21."

16 ára piltur, VAERS ID: 1310120

"The patient developed severe chest pain on the 4th day after the vaccine, he presented to the local emergency room and had the abnormal tests as described below. His symptoms improved rapidly but due to active myocarditis was given recommendations for limited activity to reduce risk of fatal arrhythmia"

19 ára piltur, VAERS ID: 1172292

"Received Jansen COVID injection at approximately 11am 4/3/2021. Developed sore left arm, shoulder, and neck approximately 10 pm evening of 4/3/2021. Woke up 3:30am 4/4/2021 and informed parents he did not feel well-awake most of that night. Felt slightly better morning of 4/4/2021, but continued feeling feverish, pain in arms, shoulders, neck. Approximately 8pm Sunday night 4/4/21 he stated he felt it was hard to breath, chest pain, and his arms felt like they were on fire. Was taken to ER at Clinic. Blood pressure 149/98, temp 100.6 complain of feeling feverish and short of breath. EKG was taken which was abnormal and enzymes noted to be elevated. Transferred to main branch of Clinic approximately 4:30am 4/5/2021. Father states patient has inflammation around the heart. Had a cardiac catheterization today 4/6/2021-father states that was normal and patient was started on medication to reduce inflammation around his heart. Patients father states that patient was very drowsy from his catheterization and was fine with his father telling me the events as they occured. As I was speaking with patient father, patient was going down for a MRI of the heart. This information was conveyed to me by father and mother. Patient is a college student and was home for Easter break. Patient currently remains hospitalized in Clinic and father thought he would remain hospitalized until Thursday 4/8/2021 depending on test results and his response to treatment. Both parents state they are willing to be contacted for further information."

18 ára piltur, VAERS ID: 1081208:

"This is a 18 y.o. male who is generally healthy. He received a second dose of the SARS2-COV vaccine on 3/4. The following morning he felt feverish and achy with malaise. He stayed home, drank fluids and rested and felt well enough to come up to ski this weekend. During skiing he had some anterior chest pain, it resolved and he went about his day. Tonight at 2245 the pain became sharp and awakened him from sleep. He felt nauseated and clammy as well. Father brought him to the ER for evaluation. His emergency department evaluation showed ST elevations most notably in the inferior and lateral leads as well as in the lateral precordium."

Börnin okkar eru næst!

Og nú stendur til að fara að "bólusetja" 12-15 ára íslensk börn með þessum eiturefnum, hvers vegna í ósköpunum? Ekkert barn eða ungmenni hefur veikst alvarlega eða dáið úr þessari veiru.

Núverandi sóttvarnarlæknir laug að okkur varðandi bóluefnin við svínaflensunni um árið, svo hvers vegna ættum við að trúa honum og treysta núna?

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